Info in English
Here you can find out more about how to order, shipping, our policies and other useful information.
Read more about how to go from ordering to receiving your items.
Information about how pre-orders work and why it is so common.
Information about how pre-orders work and why it is so common.
Terms & ConditionsYou can find our terms & conditions here, so feel free to read them before you shop.
You can find our terms & conditions here, so feel free to read them before you shop.

Here you will find the most Frequently Asked Questions.
It helps a lot if you check them first before contacting us. Thanks!
About us
Who are we?
We behind Ediya Shop are Anna and Edison Almå. Edison is the business owner and the brains behind the levers, and I, Anna is the designer and bookkeeper. We live in an appartment in Linköping and have a cat named Knubbe and also this company called Ediya Shop (which you probably figured out by now).
Contact Us
The easiest way to get in touch with us is via email to We try to respond within one working day.
Postal adress:
Ediya Shop
Munkhagsgatan 58587 26 Linköping, SWEDEN
(Att: Edison Almå)