(18+) Amamitsuki Illustration The Girl's Secret Delusion #4

  • 365,67 €

Status: 2-3 Weeks
Estimated release date: 2026-01
Article Number: 23415

  • Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
  • Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
  • Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
  • The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 20 cm
Character: The Girl's Secret Delusion
Supplier: Magic Bullets
Scale: 1:6
Material: PVC, ABS


Mousou Himegoto Shoujo 4 (The Girl's Secret Delusion #4)

The theme is using a girl's concealed face or alter ego and beautifully expressing her absurdly obscene behavior.
This is the fourth installment of a figure series pertaining to character stereotypes conceptualized by a talented illustrator.

Reenactment of the secret act of a seemingly office lady Onee-san in a squatting pose, her expression intense and full of emotion inside a cubicle.
The disarray of her clothes did not tarnish the wonderful style of the original illustration, and the figure design was made through repeated research into garment formation without compensation.
Her wavy hair and knitted tops give off a sophisticated, mature charm.
While the wrinkles of her clothes and undergarment textures are intricately detailed with as much density as possible using advanced additive manufacturing techniques.
In particular, the appearance of the character has been further enhanced by adding a spoonful of realism to the sculpting of her clothes.

In addition, this product is also full of different parts, similar to the previous series.
Create your own story by rearranging the included parts.
(2 types of Face Parts and 2 types of Body Parts)

The base is a sensor-type Japanese style flushing toilet, a commonly used model in The Girl's Secret Delusion Series.

Character design was done by an illustrator extremely popular in our company projects, and we take pride in, Amamitsuki.
The prototype sculpting was produced by Tennouzu Airu, and the modeling direction was by Koushi Manju.
Eimi Hoshina, who has worked on many of our company's figures, is in charge of the paintwork.
Drown in the guilty pleasure of your sense of immorality as you peer into the forbidden perspective of her helpless state.

As a principle in magicbullet(s), this Onee-san does not have a name.
You have the honor of providing her with a name.


Mousou Himegoto Shoujo 4 (Flickans hemliga villfarelse #4)

Temat är att använda en flickas dolda ansikte eller alter ego och vackert uttrycka hennes absurt obscena beteende.
Detta är den fjärde delen av en figurserie som handlar om karaktärsstereotyper som konceptualiserats av en begåvad illustratör.

Återskapande av den hemliga akten av en till synes kontorsdam Onee-san i en hukande pose, hennes uttryck intensivt och fullt av känslor i ett bås.
Oordningen i hennes kläder fläckade inte den underbara stilen i den ursprungliga illustrationen, och figurdesignen gjordes genom upprepad forskning om klädbildning utan ersättning.
Hennes vågiga hår och stickade toppar ger en sofistikerad, mogen charm.
Medan rynkorna på hennes kläder och underkläder, är texturerna intrikat detaljerade med så mycket densitet som möjligt med hjälp av avancerade additiva tillverkningstekniker.
I synnerhet har karaktärens utseende förbättrats ytterligare genom att lägga till en sked realism till skulpteringen av hennes kläder.

Dessutom är denna produkt också full av olika delar, liknande den tidigare serien.
Skapa din egen berättelse genom att arrangera om de medföljande delarna.
(2 typer av ansiktsdelar och 2 typer av kroppsdelar)

Basen är en vattentoalett i japansk stil av sensortyp, en vanlig modell i The Girl's Secret Delusion Series.

Karaktärsdesignen gjordes av en illustratör som är extremt populär i våra företagsprojekt, och som vi är stolta över, Amamitsuki.
Prototypen skulpterades av Tennouzu Airu och modelleringsriktningen gjordes av Koushi Manju.
Eimi Hoshina, som har arbetat med många av vårt företags figurer, ansvarar för lackeringen.
Drunkna i den skyldiga njutningen av din känsla av omoral när du tittar in i det förbjudna perspektivet av hennes hjälplösa tillstånd.

Som en princip i magicbullet(s) har denna Onee-san inget namn.
Du har äran att ge henne ett namn.

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