(18+) YukibusterZ Original Character Miu Mikura

  • 498,52 €

Status: 2-3 Weeks
Article Number: 10851

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 41 cm
Character: Miu Mikura
Supplier: BINDing
Scale: 1:4
Material: PVC, ABS


From The "Irui Konintan" Series, Highly Anticipated Fox Girl Unveils Her Bridal Outfit Mikura Miu, a fox girl brought to life by YukibusterZ is finally here in Big Scale! The ephemeral beauty of the illustration remains intact as it embodies the original outfit. Healing that is encapsulated within a smile, hair that spreads as softly as the studded ribbons. Miu's figure is exactly like.. an angel flew down to me... You can enjoy Miu's Uncanny and Vibrant sculpt in all 360°! Miu's bridal outfit, carefuly finished in elegant hues, is of course cast-off... Her tights are made out of actual cloth, so you can enjoy rubbing your cheeks to your heart's content! It's about time that you spend your special moment with Miu, a betrothal between Holiness and Eros.


Från serien "Irui Konintan", efterlängtade rävflicka avslöjar sin brudklänning Mikura Miu, en rävflicka som väckts till liv av YukibusterZ är äntligen här i stor skala! Illustrationens flyktiga skönhet förblir intakt eftersom den förkroppsligar den ursprungliga outfiten. Healing som är inkapslad i ett leende, hår som sprider sig lika mjukt som de dubbade banden. Mius figur är precis som... en ängel flög ner till mig... Du kan njuta av Mius Uncanny and Vibrant sculpt i alla 360°! Mius brudkläder, noggrant avslutad i eleganta nyanser, är naturligtvis avskalad... Hennes strumpbyxor är gjorda av äkta tyg, så att du kan njuta av att gnugga dina kinder till fullo! Det är på tiden att du spenderar din speciella stund med Miu, en trolovning mellan Helighet och Eros.

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