(18+) Creators Opinion Maki

  • 467,27 €

Status: 2-3 Weeks
Article Number: 12446

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 45 cm
Character: Maki
Supplier: BINDing
Scale: 1:4
Material: PVC, ABS


An Alluring Onee-san Bunny Has Appeared in 1/4 Scale!

Maki, illustrated in a sexy pose by Yaegashi Nan is reproduced in 1/4 scale.

Maki's meaty voluptous body is wrapped in a lustrous bunny outfit.
Your very own long black haired Bishoujo, recreated in robust scale.

Some parts of Maki's outfit are cast-off, so you can enjoy her without reservations.
In addition, this gem was created with emphasizing attention to texture and details,
Such as Maki's realistic cloth mesh tights and transparent clear hair parts.

Please welcome Maki as she tempts you with a provocative pose.


En lockande onee-san bunny har dykt upp i skala 1/4!

Maki, illustrerad i en sexig pose av Yaegashi Nan återges i skala 1/4.

Makis köttiga fylliga kropp är insvept i en glänsande kanindräkt.
Din alldeles egna långhåriga Bishoujo, återskapad i robust skala.

Vissa delar av Makis outfit är avklippta, så att du kan njuta av henne utan reservationer.
Dessutom skapades denna pärla med betoning på uppmärksamhet på textur och detaljer,
Som Makis realistiska strumpbyxor i tygmesh och transparenta genomskinliga hårdelar.

Välkomna Maki när hon frestar dig med en provokativ pose.

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