Avatar: The Last Airbender Monitor Buddiez Appa and Momo Vinyl Figure Set
- 339.09 DKK
Estimated release date: 2025-12
Article Number:
- Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
- Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
- Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
- The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Don't birds normally eat bugs? Well, not in this case! Seabill and the Termite King have joined forces to be tAppa and Momo have shrunk down to the perfect friend size for their return to Youtooz! Flying down from their latest adventure to sit atop your computer screen keep a watchful eye on you, the pair each sit at 2 inches tall with their legs dangling over the edge as Appa's shaggy fur rests over his eyes and with curling horns poke out from his head a long flat tail rest to his behind. While Momo contently leans forward with arms resting on their knees as long ears stretch back and a thin tail wraps around their front. The absolute best companions while you're working, binging a show or just hanging out, they'll make sure to always be right in your line of sight to bring a smile to your face! These Buddiez ship in a lovingly designed box with the interior covered in a map of the four nations, while the exterior sees them sitting atop a computer monitor in front of an image of them taking to the skies as their figures can be seen through the large clear display window at its front.
Brukar inte fåglar äta insekter? Tja, inte i det här fallet! Seabill och Termite King har gått samman för att vara tAppa och Momo har krympt ner till den perfekta vänstorleken för deras återkomst till Youtooz! De flyger ner från sitt senaste äventyr för att sitta på din datorskärm, hålla ett vakande öga på dig, paret sitter var och en 2 tum långa med benen dinglande över kanten medan Appas lurviga päls vilar över hans ögon och med krulliga horn sticker ut från hans huvud ett långt platt svansstöd till hans bak. Medan Momo nöjt lutar sig framåt med armarna vilande på knäna medan de långa öronen sträcks bakåt och en tunn svans slingrar sig runt deras framsida. De absolut bästa följeslagarna när du jobbar, tittar på en show eller bara umgås, de kommer att se till att alltid vara precis i ditt synfält för att få ett leende på läpparna! Dessa Buddiez levereras i en kärleksfullt designad låda med interiören täckt av en karta över de fyra nationerna, medan utsidan ser dem sitta ovanpå en datorskärm framför en bild av dem som tar sig upp i luften eftersom deras figurer kan ses genom det stora genomskinliga displayfönstret på framsidan.