Azur Lane B-Style TB (Hot Spring Ver.)

  • 426,43 €

Estimated release date: 2025-12
Article Number: 23450

  • Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
  • Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
  • Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
  • The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 20 cm
Character: TB
Franchise: Azur Lane
Supplier: FREEing
Scale: 1:4
Material: PVC, ABS


From the smartphone game Azur Lane comes the navigator TB as a 1/4 scale figure based on the in-game development content, Project Identity!

This figure captures a heartwarming moment from a hot spring trip with TB, who has grown up with a kind personality. Draped in a single towel, TB, has been faithfully recreated just as in the game. The towel is made of a translucent material, highlighting TB's soft and delicate features.

Welcome your very own navigator TB into your collection and relive this cherished memory by your side.


Från smartphone-spelet Azur Lane kommer navigatorn TB som en figur i skala 1/4 baserad på utvecklingsinnehållet i spelet, Project Identity!

Den här figuren fångar ett hjärtevärmande ögonblick från en resa med en varm källa med TBC, som har vuxit upp med en snäll personlighet. Draperad i en enda handduk har TB troget återskapats precis som i spelet. Handduken är gjord av ett genomskinligt material som framhäver TB:s mjuka och delikata egenskaper.

Välkommen din alldeles egna navigator TB till din samling och återupplev detta kära minne vid din sida.

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