Darksiders III Fury

  • 775,56 €

Estimated release date: 2026-03
Article Number: 22865

  • Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
  • Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
  • Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
  • The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 45 cm
Character: Fury
Franchise: Darksiders
Supplier: First 4 Figures
Material: Resin

Due to the size of this item, additional shipping costs may apply. Apart from your location, the actual package size and weight is needed to determine those costs. Both are unknown at this point and may not be available until the product arrives in our warehouse.


The concept for this statue is inspired by the boss fight against Avarice, a member of the Seven Deadly Sins. Fury is shown standing victorious as if she just defeated him, brandishing the Talisman of Sin on her left hand to trap him in it. She is wielding her whip, Barbs of Scorn, in her right hand. The statue meticulously captures Fury's dark, rugged, and intricately designed armor, along with the Bridge Stone strapped to her belt. Additionally, Barbs of Scorn and the Bridge Stone include a glow-in-the-dark feature. The base showcases Avarice's sack of treasures,
while the underbase is inspired by the museum-like borders of the area, adorned with gold.

Darksiders - Fury comes with the following:

- Darksiders - Fury resin painted statue
- Highly detailed base inspired by the Darksiders art style
- Barbs of Scorn and the Bridge Stone glow in the dark
- Limited edition numbering & Authentication Card


Konceptet för denna staty är inspirerat av bossens kamp mot Avarice, en medlem av de sju dödssynderna. Fury visas stå som segrare som om hon just besegrat honom, och viftar med syndens talisman på sin vänstra hand för att fånga honom i den. Hon svingar sin piska, Barbs of Scorn, i sin högra hand. Statyn fångar minutiöst Furys mörka, robusta och intrikat utformade rustning, tillsammans med brostenen som är fastspänd i hennes bälte. Dessutom innehåller Barbs of Scorn och Bridge Stone en funktion som lyser i mörkret. Basen visar upp girighetens säck med skatter,
medan underredet är inspirerat av de museiliknande rabatterna i området, prydda med guld.

Darksiders - Fury kommer med följande:

- Darksiders - Fury harts målad staty
- Mycket detaljerad bas inspirerad av Darksiders konststil
- Barbs of Scorn och Bridge Stone lyser i mörkret
- Numrering och autentiseringskort i begränsad upplaga

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