Darling in the Franxx Zero Two

  • 154,71 €

Article Number: 12689

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 17 cm
Character: Zero Two
Franchise: Darling in the Franxx
Supplier: Kotobukiya
Scale: 1:7
Material: PVC, ABS


From the hit anime Darling in the FRANXX, Kotobukiya presents ZERO TWO in her pilot suit!

Zero Two's posing depicts her looking back as she boards Strelizia and prepares to connect. The compact posing shows off the pilot's curves, while her flowing hair provides a sense of movement that gives the statue a sense of balance with the simplistic pose. The mechanical parts of Zero Two's pilot suit and the wrinkles in the fabric are faithfully recreated in stunning detail, and the tips of her iconic light pink hair are created with clear plastic, allowing the light to pass through them beautifully.

Zero Two's perfectly balanced pose and the detail in her brave expression make this rendition of this iconic character one you won't want to miss!


Från den populära animen Darling in the FRANXX presenterar Kotobukiya ZERO TWO i sin pilotdräkt!

Zero Twos posering visar hur hon tittar tillbaka när hon går ombord på Strelizia och förbereder sig för att ansluta. Den kompakta posen visar upp pilotens kurvor, medan hennes böljande hår ger en känsla av rörelse som ger statyn en känsla av balans med den enkla posen. De mekaniska delarna av Zero Twos pilotdräkt och rynkorna i tyget är troget återskapade i fantastisk detalj, och spetsarna på hennes ikoniska ljusrosa hår är skapade med klar plast, vilket gör att ljuset kan passera genom dem på ett vackert sätt.

Zero Twos perfekt balanserade pose och detaljerna i hennes modiga uttryck gör den här versionen av denna ikoniska karaktär till en du inte vill missa!

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