Final Fantasy VII Remake Rufus Shinra Play Arts Kai

  • 2,299.97 NOK
  • 2,146.57 NOK

Article Number: 3567

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Supplier: Square Enix


Rufus, the son of President Shinra, from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, joins the fray as a PLAY ARTS KAI figure! A tall, slim silhouette, with a cold and ambitious glare – our designers faithfully recreated the refined details of the character based on his appearance in REMAKE. His accessories include his two guns individually, and the third gun of his weapons in their combined form, an interchangeable handpiece holding his coins, and a headpiece with a grin on his face. Each of these pieces was created for faithful reenactment of in-game battle scenes. The pieces on the lower part of the coat are articulated separately, and his legs have a wide range of motion, making for dynamic posing.


Rufus, son till president Shinra, från FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, går med i striden som en PLAY ARTS KAI-figur! En lång, smal siluett, med en kall och ambitiös bländning – våra designers återskapade troget karaktärens raffinerade detaljer baserat på hans utseende i REMAKE. Hans tillbehör inkluderar hans två vapen individuellt, och den tredje pistolen av hans vapen i deras kombinerade form, ett utbytbart handstycke som håller hans mynt och ett huvudstycke med ett flin på läpparna. Var och en av dessa bitar skapades för trogen återskapande av stridsscener i spelet. Delarna på den nedre delen av pälsen är ledade separat, och hans ben har ett brett rörelseområde, vilket ger dynamisk posering.

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