Golden Kamuy Prisma Wing Hyakunosuke Ogata
- 5 499 SEK
Article Number:
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 22 x 19 x 15 cm
Character: Hyakunosuke Ogata
Franchise: Golden Kamuy
Product line: Prisma Wing
Prime 1 Studio
Scale: 1:7
Material: PVC, ABS
Here comes the lone sniper who always hits his target. Hyakunosuke Ogata from Golden Kamuy has been faithfully reproduced! This figure was specially made from an original illustration. One eye-catching detail is that ever-familiar gesture of him stroking his hair in a carefree pose that might make you think he's smiling, but he's not. Even though he sees everything, he remains hidden. His true characteristics have been painstakingly recreated via his unique eyes. The Type 38 infantry rifle held in his right hand is also crafted with extreme precision. Also, the paintwork of the wood and iron is so realistic, every little detail including the sight has been accurately sculpted. Just one peek at the binoculars placed on the rocky ground, and it feels like "The Sniper" Hyakunosuke Ogata is right next to you. He's presented here as sitting in the wilderness of Hokkaido with his knapsack of cooking utensils right beside his feet. Just look at all the fallen ammunition on the ground around him, you can feel the intensity of the grueling conflict over their share of the gold! Together with Saichi Sugimoto, Hyakunosuke Ogata has been sculpted just like his appearance in the manga and anime. PRISMA WING is proud to present this figure to fans and collectors around the world! Size: 22 x 19 x 15 cm
Här kommer den ensamme prickskytten som alltid träffar sitt mål. Hyakunosuke Ogata från Golden Kamuy har återgivits troget! Denna figur är speciellt gjord av en originalillustration. En iögonfallande detalj är den ständigt välbekanta gesten där han stryker över håret i en sorglös pose som kan få dig att tro att han ler, men det är han inte. Trots att han ser allt förblir han dold. Hans sanna egenskaper har omsorgsfullt återskapats genom hans unika ögon. Typ 38-infanterigeväret som hålls i hans högra hand är också tillverkat med extrem precision. Dessutom är lackeringen av trä och järn så realistisk, att varje liten detalj inklusive siktet har skulpterats noggrant. Bara en titt på kikaren placerad på den steniga marken, och det känns som att "The Sniper" Hyakunosuke Ogata är precis bredvid dig. Han presenteras här som att han sitter i Hokkaidos vildmark med sin ryggsäck med köksredskap precis bredvid sina fötter. Se bara på all nedfallen ammunition på marken runt honom, du kan känna intensiteten i den ansträngande konflikten om deras andel av guldet! Tillsammans med Saichi Sugimoto har Hyakunosuke Ogata skulpterats precis som hans framträdande i manga och anime. PRISMA WING är stolta över att presentera denna figur för fans och samlare runt om i världen! Storlek: 22 x 19 x 15 cm