Haikyu!! Nendoroid Lev Haiba (Rerelease)

  • 56.64 EUR

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Article Number: 18581

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 10 cm
Character: Lev Haiba
Franchise: Haikyu!!
Product line: Nendoroid
Supplier: Good Smile Company
Material: PVC, ABS


From the popular volleyball manga series with an equally popular anime, 'Haikyu!!', comes a rerelease of the Nendoroid of one of Nekoma High School Volleyball Club's middle blockers and the self-declared ace for the team, Lev Haiba! He comes with three face places including a standard expression filled with confidence, a smiling face as well as the worried expression he had during special training. Optional parts include a volleyball and a special base made in the image of a volleyball court, as well as an arm part swinging down like a whip allowing for all sorts of poses on the court, and he also comes with his favorite food, inari sushi! All sorts of parts to display the confident Lev by your side in all sorts of different situations!


Från den populära volleybollmangaserien med en lika populär anime, 'Haikyu!!', kommer en återutgivning av Nendoroid från en av Nekoma High School Volleyball Clubs mittblockerare och det självutnämnda esset för laget, Lev Haiba! Han kommer med tre ansiktsplatser inklusive ett standarduttryck fyllt av självförtroende, ett leende ansikte samt det oroliga uttrycket han hade under specialträningen. Valfria delar inkluderar en volleyboll och en speciell bas gjord i bilden av en volleybollplan, samt en armdel som svänger ner som en piska vilket möjliggör alla möjliga poser på planen, och han kommer också med sin favoritmat, inari sushi! Alla möjliga delar för att visa upp den självsäkra Lev vid din sida i alla möjliga olika situationer!

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