Hazbin Hotel Enamel Pins Set

  • 44,65 €

Estimated release date: 2025-08
Article Number: 23533

  • Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
  • Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
  • Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
  • The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 5 cm
Franchise: Hazbin Hotel
Supplier: Youtooz
Material: Metal


You know I've heard they only give these out to VIP guests! Well, we're giving you a chance to pick up our new Pin Set without a trip to hell! With 5 unique enamel pins that each measure in at 2 inches with a shiny, high-quality finish, the collection sees Alastor and his evil smiling shadow, Charlie and Vaggie mid-song, the cutest rubber duck wearing a white tophat, a sleepy Fat Nuggets and KeeKee holding a key! Perfect as decoration on a cork board or showing off on your tote bag, backpack, fanny pack, jacket or wherever your heart desires, these pins are sure to turn heads and catch the eyes of anyone you pass, letting them know who's been a guest at the Hazbin Hotel!


Du vet att jag har hört att de bara ger ut dessa till VIP-gäster! Tja, vi ger dig en chans att hämta vårt nya Pin Set utan en resa till helvetet! Med 5 unika emaljstift som var och en mäter in på 2 tum med en glänsande, högkvalitativ finish, ser kollektionen Alastor och hans onda leende skugga, Charlie och Vaggie mitt i låten, den sötaste gummiankan som bär en vit topphatt, en sömnig Fat Nuggets och KeeKee som håller en nyckel! Perfekt som dekoration på en korktavla eller att visa upp på din väska, ryggsäck, fanny pack, jacka eller var ditt hjärta vill, dessa stift kommer garanterat att vända huvudena och fånga ögonen på alla du passerar, så att de vet vem som har varit gäst på Hazbin Hotel!

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