Hellsing Elite Exclusive Seras Victoria 1/5 Scale Limited Edition Statue
- 2.450,13 €
Estimated release date: 2026-07
Article Number:
- Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
- Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
- Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
- The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 25 cm
Character: Seras Victoria
Franchise: Hellsing
Figurama Collectors
Scale: 1:5
Material: Polystone, PVC, and resin
Due to the size of this item, additional shipping costs may apply. Apart from your location, the actual package size and weight is needed to determine those costs. Both are unknown at this point and may not be available until the product arrives in our warehouse.
Seras Victoria is here to protect the Hellsing Organisation and defeat the evil Millennium Organisation. In this brutal recreation of her final battle against Zorin Blitz, Seras has become a true vampire and is using all of her power to defeat this threat and get revenge for fallen comrades. In the follow up piece from our award-winning Alucard, Seras comes in at the same scale and has motifs shared with her master. Bringing the details and easter eggs expected from Figurama Collectors. Figurama Collectors recreation of the final battle brings us back to the hallway with a gory revenge and Zorin's face being squashed against the wall You can see the eye motif brought over from our Hellsing: Alucard statue as Seras becomes a true vampire. With multiple portraits, wall swappables and Seras favourite weapon, the Hallconnen II, you can show this statue anyway you want! Content: - 2x Swappable Portraits for Seras - 2x Swappable Torso for Seras - 2x Right Arm for Seras - 2x Wall Swappable (Photo Frame & Zorin Blitz) - 1x Display Bust Stand - 1x Wall Display Stand - 1x Hallconnen II weapon Limited Edition of 400 pcs worldwide.
Seras Victoria är här för att skydda Hellsing Organization och besegra den onda Millennium Organisationen. I denna brutala återskapande av hennes sista strid mot Zorin Blitz har Seras blivit en sann vampyr och använder all sin kraft för att besegra detta hot och hämnas för fallna kamrater. I uppföljningsstycket från vårt prisbelönta Alucard kommer Seras in i samma skala och har motiv som delas med sin mästare. Tar med detaljerna och påskäggen som förväntas från Figurama Collectors. Figurama Collectors återskapande av den sista striden tar oss tillbaka till korridoren med en blodig hämnd och Zorins ansikte som kläms mot väggen. Du kan se ögonmotivet från vår Hellsing: Alucard-statyn när Seras blir en sann vampyr. Med flera porträtt, utbytbara väggar och Seras favoritvapen, Hallconnen II, kan du visa den här statyn hur du vill! Innehåll: - 2x Bytbara porträtt för Seras - 2x Bytbar Torso för Seras - 2x Höger Arm för Seras - 2x Väggbytbar (Fotoram & Zorin Blitz) - 1x Display Bust Stand - 1x Wall Display Stand - 1x Hallconnen II vapen Begränsad upplaga av 400 st över hela världen.