Getter Robo Armageddon MORTAL MIND Shin Getter 1 (Stars Slasher Ver.)

  • 305,23 €

Sold out

Article Number: 17704

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 25 cm
Character: Shin Getter 1
Franchise: Getter Robo Armageddon
Supplier: CCS Toys
Material: PVC, ABS, POM, and alloy


From MORTAL MIND series, a special version of Shin Getter-1 has now entered the battlefield! The head and battle wings are completely newly sculpted, allowing for the reproduction of the atmospheric departure scene in the OVA animation! The painting work has also been changed to a more metallic electroplating. Furthermore, an original weapon, Star Slashing Axe, which can freely transform between a scythe and a tomahawk, will also be bundled! Don't miss out on the Shin Getter-1 Star Slasher Ver.!

Parts List:

- Shin Getter-1 Star Slasher Ver. Figure Body (with new head sculpture)
- Getter Battle Wing (new sculpture) x 2
- Optional Backpack x 2
- Optional hand x 4 pairs
- Getter Razor (Normal) x 2
- Star Slashing Axe x 1
- Displaying Base x 1
- Connection Parts


Från MORTAL MIND-serien har en specialversion av Shin Getter-1 nu äntrat slagfältet! Huvudet och stridsvingarna är helt nyskulpterade, vilket gör det möjligt att återge den atmosfäriska avgångsscenen i OVA-animationen! Målningsarbetet har också ändrats till en mer metallisk galvanisering. Dessutom kommer ett originalvapen, Star Slashing Axe, som fritt kan förvandlas mellan en lie och en tomahawk, också att medverka! Missa inte Shin Getter-1 Star Slasher Ver.!

Delar Lista:

- Shin Getter-1 Star Slasher Ver. Figur Kropp (med ny huvudskulptur)
- Getter Battle Wing (ny skulptur) x 2
- Ryggsäck x 2 som tillval
- Valfri hand x 4 par
- Rakhyvel (normal) x 2
- Stjärna Huggande Yxa x 1
- Visar bas x 1
- Anslutning delar

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