Komi Can't Communicate Shoko Komi: Bunny Ver.

  • 4,227.62 DKK
  • 3,179.00 DKK

Status: I Lager
Article Number: 10400

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 46 cm
Character: Shoko Komi
Franchise: Komi Can't Communicate
Supplier: FREEing
Scale: 1:4
Material: PVC, ABS

From the anime series Komi Can't Communicate comes a 1/4 scale figure of the heroine Shoko Komi! The immensely beautiful and incredibly shy Komi-san's lustrous black hair and excellent physique have been faithfully captured in figure form, complemented by an originally designed bunny suit. Her body proportions from the original manga, swaying black hair and slightly blushing face as she tries to hide her bunny suit with her hands-all of Komi-san's characteristic charm has been packed into one stunning figure. The production of the figure was reviewed and approved by the original manga creator Tomohito Oda in order to ensure that fans would be satisfied with the final product! Be sure to add the beautiful girl admired by all, Komi-san, to your collection!


Från anime-serien Komi Can't Communicate kommer en figur i skala 1/4 av hjältinnan Shoko Komi! Den oerhört vackra och otroligt blyga Komi-sans glänsande svarta hår och utmärkta fysik har troget fångats i figurform, kompletterat med en originaldesignad kanindräkt. Hennes kroppsproportioner från den ursprungliga mangan, vajande svart hår och lätt rodnande ansikte när hon försöker dölja sin kanindräkt med sina händer - allt av Komi-sans karakteristiska charm har packats in i en fantastisk figur. Produktionen av figuren granskades och godkändes av den ursprungliga mangaskaparen Tomohito Oda för att säkerställa att fansen skulle bli nöjda med slutprodukten! Se till att lägga till den vackra flickan som beundras av alla, Komi-san, till din samling!
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