Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Egg Attack Floating EAF-003 Millennium Falcon

  • 269.31 EUR

Article Number: 17480

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Character: 13 x 13 x 3
Franchise: Star Wars
Supplier: Beast Kingdom Toys
Material: Plastic


Beast Kingdom's classic magnetic levitation Egg Attack Floating series brings back the iconic spaceship from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back the iconic Millennium Falcon.

To recreate the Millennium Falcon, an icon in its own right for Star Wars fans, meticulous attention was given to carving out every detail of the spaceship, including the mechanical structures, the AG-2G quad laser cannons on the upper and lower turrets, and the radar dish. The high-quality coloring techniques give the Falcon an aged look, allowing fans to see the many battle scars the Falcon endured through countless wars. Embedded LED lights enhance the overall effect, making the Falcon even more impressive, especially when the lights are dimmed. Finally, equipped with a new matte black magnetic base, fans can enjoy the Millennium Falcon as it flies through the Kessel Run in an impressive 20 parsecs. Take home this stunning collector's piece, fit for any avid Star Wars fan, both new and old, only from an official Beast Kingdom outlet.

*Power supply notice: The base requires a Type C cable for power, and the device is powered wirelessly
through the base's induction power system. (12V adapter must be purchased separately)

Product Size: 13 x 13 x 3 cm


Beast Kingdoms klassiska magnetiska levitationsserie Egg Attack Floating tar tillbaka det ikoniska rymdskeppet från Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, den ikoniska Millennium Falcon.

För att återskapa Millennium Falcon, en ikon i sin egen rätt för Star Wars-fans, ägnades minutiös uppmärksamhet åt att karva ut varje detalj av rymdskeppet, inklusive de mekaniska strukturerna, AG-2G quad laserkanonerna på de övre och nedre tornen och radarparabolen. De högkvalitativa färgteknikerna ger Falcon ett åldrat utseende, vilket gör att fansen kan se de många stridsärr som Falcon uthärdade genom otaliga krig. Inbyggda LED-lampor förbättrar den totala effekten, vilket gör Falcon ännu mer imponerande, särskilt när lamporna är dämpade. Slutligen, utrustad med en ny mattsvart magnetisk bas, kan fansen njuta av Millennium Falcon när den flyger genom Kessel Run i imponerande 20 parsec. Ta med dig detta fantastiska samlarobjekt hem som passar alla inbitna Star Wars-fans, både nya och gamla, endast från en officiell Beast Kingdom-butik.

*Meddelande om strömförsörjning: Basen kräver en typ C-kabel för ström, och enheten drivs trådlöst
genom basens induktionssystem. (12V-adapter måste köpas separat)

Produktstorlek: 13 x 13 x 3 cm

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