Marve Deadpool & Wolverine Vinyl Figure

  • 58,60 €

Status: 2-3 Weeks
Estimated release date: 2025-08
Article Number: 23481

  • Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
  • Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
  • Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
  • The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 11 cm
Character: Deadpool & Wolverine
Franchise: Deadpool & Wolverine
Supplier: Youtooz
Material: Vinyl


Can you feel the power of our latest Youtooz? Well can you?! Because Deadpool and Wolverine make their return with the most electrifying pair of figures we've ever unleashed! At 4.6 inches tall, this powerful scene sees Deadpool and Wolverine grasping each other's arms as they smash their hands (or claws) into the blue and yellow pillars at either side to let a dimension-ending power wrap through their bodies. With Wolverine letting out a pained yell from his mutton-chopped face as his bare chest glows red with electrical heat, Deadpool looks over to say some witty final words which are hidden by his thick red mask. The exterior of their packaging seems the pair between two colored pillars with electricity coursing across their bodies. While the interior mimics rough paper which Deadpool has scrawled over, this then continues onto the protective sleeve where their figures can be seen through the large clear window at the packaging's front. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom-sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.


Kan du känna kraften i vår senaste Youtooz? Kan du det?! För att Deadpool och Wolverine gör sin återkomst med det mest elektrifierande paret figurer vi någonsin har släppt lös! Med en längd på 4,6 tum ser vi Deadpool och Wolverine ta tag i varandras armar när de slår sina händer (eller klor) i de blå och gula pelarna på vardera sidan för att låta en dimensionsavslutande kraft svepa genom deras kroppar. Wolverine släpper ut ett plågat skrik från sitt fårhackade ansikte medan hans nakna bröst lyser rött av elektrisk värme, tittar Deadpool över för att säga några kvicka sista ord som döljs av hans tjocka röda mask. Utsidan av deras förpackningar ser ut som ett par mellan två färgade pelare med elektricitet som strömmar över deras kroppar. Medan interiören efterliknar grovt papper som Deadpool har klottrat över, fortsätter detta sedan på skyddsfodralet där deras figurer kan ses genom det stora genomskinliga fönstret på förpackningens framsida. Detta samlarobjekt levereras i ett matt, präglat, skyddande ytterfodral och ett plastskydd i specialstorlek för maximalt skydd under transport.

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