(18+) Nekopara Fraise
- 5 699 SEK
Estimated release date: 2025-10
Article Number:
- Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
- Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
- Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
- The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
From the very adorable and wholesome Visual Novel series depicting humanoid cats and their daly lives, Nekopara.
Introducing the new member, Fraise the French cat, in a 1/4 scale figure.
The concept illustration for this figure is, of course, done by Sayori, creator of the Nekopara series.
But that's not all! The model and sculpting are also done by Sayori herself!
Like the previous series of figures, Shigure's Patisserie La Soleil uniform is also made out of actual cloth.
The fluffy skirt, apron, pannier, etc., are realistically reproduced with the texture to match its source material.
Additionally, Fraise's customized La Soleil uniform features unique details, including the use of colorful mesh tights.
Of course, La Soleil's uniforms are all cast-off.
Comes with 2 types of underwear, regular and half-worn state.
If you display Fraise side by side with Shigure, you will be able to see the intended scene depicted by Sayori.
Please welcome Fraise, alongside the cats of the Minazuki family, as part of your collection.
Från den mycket bedårande och hälsosamma Visual Novel-serien som skildrar humanoida katter och deras dagliga liv, Nekopara.
Vi presenterar den nya medlemmen, den franska katten Freise, i en skala 1/4.
Konceptillustrationen för denna figur är naturligtvis gjord av Sayori, skaparen av Nekopara-serien.
Men det är inte allt! Modellen och skulpteringen är också gjord av Sayori själv!
Liksom den tidigare serien av figurer är Shigures Patisserie La Soleil-uniform också gjord av riktigt tyg.
Den fluffiga kjolen, förklädet, väskan etc. är realistiskt återgivna med texturen för att matcha dess källmaterial.
Dessutom har Fraises skräddarsydda La Soleil-uniform unika detaljer, inklusive användningen av färgglada meshstrumpbyxor.
Naturligtvis är alla La Soleils uniformer avlagda.
Levereras med 2 typer av underkläder, vanliga och halvslitna.
Om du visar Fraise sida vid sida med Shigure kommer du att kunna se den avsedda scenen som avbildas av Sayori.
Välkommen Fraise, tillsammans med katterna i familjen Minazuki, som en del av din samling.