Ninja Scroll Ultimate Premium Masterline Jubei vs. Tessai 1/4 Scale Statue
- 3.160,83 €
Estimated release date: 2026-08
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- Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
- The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 101 cm
Character: Jubei vs. Tessai
Franchise: Ninja Scroll
Prime 1 Studio
Scale: 1:4
Material: Polystone and other materials
Due to the size of this item, additional shipping costs may apply. Apart from your location, the actual package size and weight is needed to determine those costs. Both are unknown at this point and may not be available until the product arrives in our warehouse.
A Razor-Sharp Slash, Tearing Through Fate.
The Legendary Sword Fight, Dynamically Realized.
With its groundbreaking action and beautiful design, Ninja Scroll has left a lasting mark on anime history. Now, more than 30 years since its release, the fierce battle between Jubei and Tessai makes its debut in the Ultimate Premium Masterline series!
This statue dynamically captures the sword fight that marks the beginning of the fierce clash between Jubei Kibagami and the Eight Devils of Kimon. The layout, featuring stone lanterns and dynamic effects, creates a strong sense of spatial depth. Moreover, Jubei’s unforgettable slash, a highlight of the film, is brought to life with an LED lighting feature. The light slicing through the base vividly conveys the sharp trajectory of his blade.
Naturally, every detail has been carefully crafted to faithfully recreate the outstanding character designs and artwork of Yutaka Minowa. From their rugged faces, piercing gazes, and realistic muscle definition to the natural flow of their clothing, every angle of this piece offers something to admire.
Long-time fans of Ninja Scroll will surely be thrilled, and some may even be inspired to watch the anime for the first time thanks to this statue,” said director Yoshiaki Kawajiri. This timeless legend, revived through modern sculpting techniques, is a gift to both new and old fans alike!
Ett sylvasst hugg som sliter sönder ödet.
Den legendariska svärdskampen, dynamiskt realiserad.
Med sin banbrytande action och vackra design har Ninja Scroll lämnat ett bestående avtryck i animehistorien. Nu, mer än 30 år efter lanseringen, gör den hårda kampen mellan Jubei och Tessai sin debut i Ultimate Premium Masterline-serien!
Den här statyn fångar på ett dynamiskt sätt svärdsstriden som markerar början på den våldsamma sammandrabbningen mellan Jubei Kibagami och Kimons åtta. Layouten, med stenlyktor och dynamiska effekter, skapar en stark känsla av rumsligt djup. Dessutom väcks Jubeis oförglömliga snedstreck, en höjdpunkt i filmen, till liv med en LED-belysningsfunktion. Ljuset som skär genom basen förmedlar tydligt den skarpa banan för hans blad.
Naturligtvis har varje detalj utformats noggrant för att troget återskapa den enastående karaktärsdesignen och konstverket av Yutaka Minowa. Från deras grova ansikten, genomträngande blickar och realistiska muskeldefinition till det naturliga flödet i deras kläder, erbjuder varje vinkel av detta plagg något att beundra.
Långvariga fans av Ninja Scroll kommer säkert att bli glada, och vissa kan till och med bli inspirerade att titta på animen för första gången tack vare den här statyn, säger regissören Yoshiaki Kawajiri. Denna tidlösa legend, återupplivad genom modern skulpteringsteknik, är en gåva till både nya och gamla fans!