One Piece Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles Series 5 (Ladies Edition) Box of 3 Random Figures
- 63,71 €
Article Number:
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Set sail with this edition of Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles: One Piece Funboxx series, featuring the fierce and inspiring ladies of One Piece! Each character embodies strength and resilience in their own unique way, from the Demon Child Nico Robin's fearsome fighting skills to Kozuki Hiyori's incredible mental fortitude following her father's tragic passing.
Designed by the renowned artist Jason Freeny, each figurine in this series features his signature half-and-half dissected art style, showcasing the intricate details and inner workings of each character. These expertly crafted figures capture the essence of the powerful women of One Piece, bringing them to life in stunning detail. With seven female characters to collect, this series celebrates the diversity and strength of the women in the One Piece world!
Hissa segel med den här upplagan av Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles: One Piece Funboxx-serien, med de tuffa och inspirerande damerna i One Piece! Varje karaktär förkroppsligar styrka och motståndskraft på sitt eget unika sätt, från Demon Child-Nico Robins skräckinjagande stridsfärdigheter till Kozuki Hiyoris otroliga mentala styrka efter sin fars tragiska bortgång.
Varje figur i den här serien är designad av den berömda konstnären Jason Freeny och har hans signatur halvt och halvt dissekerade konststil, som visar upp de intrikata detaljerna och inre funktionerna hos varje karaktär. Dessa skickligt utformade figurer fångar essensen av de kraftfulla kvinnorna i One Piece och ger dem liv i häpnadsväckande detalj. Med sju kvinnliga karaktärer att samla på hyllar den här serien mångfalden och styrkan hos kvinnorna i One Piece-världen!