Overlord Premium Masterline Albedo 1/4 Scale Statue
- 2.077,09 €
Estimated release date: 2026-09
Article Number:
- Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
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- Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
- The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 54 cm
Character: Albedo
Franchise: Overlord
Prime 1 Studio
Scale: 1:4
Material: Polyston and other materials
Due to the size of this item, additional shipping costs may apply. Apart from your location, the actual package size and weight is needed to determine those costs. Both are unknown at this point and may not be available until the product arrives in our warehouse.
Glory to the Overlord, the Ruler of Death!
The pure white devil, cradled in loving hands, appears.
Her strength to command the guardians, her unwavering loyalty and love for Ainz. From the most fearsome dark fantasy series, Overlord, comes Albedo, brought to life in the Premium Masterline!
Albedo, the Overseer of the Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, renowned for her unparalleled beauty, is depicted here resting her wings and gracefully relaxing under the protection of her beloved master. The elegant curvature of her body, with her tilted shoulders and hips and crossed legs, forms a striking feminine S-line. The gentle pose of her left hand, concealing her mouth, further highlights her mysterious and refined charm.
Her divine figure is wrapped in a white dress, while her black wings radiate a devilish allure. The contrast between light and darkness is meticulously crafted in every detail. Her translucent white skin, the clear purple tips of her hair, and her slitted golden eyes-all are perfectly sculpted and painted, bringing together the essence of her character from the series with a powerful three-dimensional presence. With every look, you'll discover new facets of her charm.
Surrounding her is the massive hand of Ainz Ooal Gown, cradling her with undead might. The hand's cracked, lifeless texture and gray tones evoke the true essence of the undead. The gold accents surrounding them intertwine their iconic designs, the delicate mix of straight and curved lines representing their unbreakable bond.
Albedo, embraced by the Overlord himself, embodies the perfect concept, sculpting, and coloring. A must-have addition to your Nazarick collection!
Ära vare Overlord, dödens härskare!
Den rena vita djävulen, vaggad i kärleksfulla händer, uppenbarar sig.
Hennes styrka att kommendera väktarna, hennes orubbliga lojalitet och kärlek till Ainz. Från den mest skräckinjagande mörka fantasyserien, Overlord, kommer Albedo, som väcks till liv i Premium Masterline!
Albedo, tillsyningsmannen för väktarna av den stora graven i Nazarick, känd för sin oöverträffade skönhet, avbildas här när hon vilar sina vingar och graciöst kopplar av under sin älskade mästares beskydd. Den eleganta krökningen av hennes kropp, med hennes lutande axlar och höfter och korsade ben, bildar en slående feminin S-linje. Den mjuka ställningen med hennes vänstra hand, som döljer hennes mun, framhäver ytterligare hennes mystiska och raffinerade charm.
Hennes gudomliga gestalt är insvept i en vit klänning, medan hennes svarta vingar utstrålar en djävulsk lockelse. Kontrasten mellan ljus och mörker är minutiöst utformad in i minsta detalj. Hennes genomskinliga vita hud, de klara lila hårtopparna och hennes slitsade gyllene ögon - allt är perfekt skulpterat och målat, vilket sammanför essensen av hennes karaktär från serien med en kraftfull tredimensionell närvaro. Med varje blick kommer du att upptäcka nya aspekter av hennes charm.
Runt henne finns Ainz Ooal Gowns massiva hand, som vaggar henne med odöd makt. Handens spruckna, livlösa textur och gråa toner frammanar den sanna essensen av de odöda. Guldaccenterna som omger dem flätas samman av deras ikoniska design, den delikata blandningen av raka och böjda linjer representerar deras obrytbara band.
Albedo, omfamnad av Overlord själv, förkroppsligar det perfekta konceptet, skulptering och färgläggning. Ett måste-ha-tillskott till din Nazarick-samling!