Sonic Adventure Sonic the Hedgehog Standard Edition Statue
- 113,83 €
Article Number:
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 21 cm
Character: Sonic Adventure
Franchise: Sonic Adventure
First 4 Figures
Material: PVC
First 4 Figures proudly presents the high-quality PVC statue of Sonic Adventure's Sonic the Hedgehog! Sonic the Hedgehog is the main character and hero of the Sonic Adventure video game. He is a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog known for his incredible speed and agility. In Sonic Adventure, Sonic must save the world from the evil Dr. Eggman, who plans to use a powerful creature called Chaos to destroy the world. Sonic's gameplay focuses on high-speed platforming, where he runs, jumps, and dashes through colorful environments. This highly detailed Sonic PVC faithfully captures Sonic's iconic pose in his Sonic Adventure appearance. Expertly sculpted, every detail of Sonic has been meticulously recreated, from the spikes on his head to the red and white shoes on his feet. Sonic Adventure - Sonic the Hedgehog comes with the following: - Sonic Adventure - Sonic the Hedgehog PVC painted statue - Highly detailed base inspired by the Sonic Adventure video game art style - F4F Leaflet with 500 F4F reward points included"
First 4 Figures presenterar stolt den högkvalitativa PVC-statyn av Sonic Adventures Sonic the Hedgehog! Sonic the Hedgehog är huvudpersonen och hjälten i videospelet Sonic Adventure. Han är en blå antropomorf igelkott känd för sin otroliga snabbhet och smidighet. I Sonic Adventure måste Sonic rädda världen från den onde Dr Eggman, som planerar att använda en mäktig varelse som heter Chaos för att förstöra världen. Sonics gameplay fokuserar på höghastighetsplattformsspel, där han springer, hoppar och rusar genom färgglada miljöer. Denna mycket detaljerade Sonic PVC fångar troget Sonics ikoniska pose i hans Sonic Adventure-framträdande. Expertskulpterad, varje detalj av Sonic har noggrant återskapats, från spikarna på hans huvud till de röda och vita skorna på hans fötter. Sonic Adventure - Sonic the Hedgehog kommer med följande: - Sonic Adventure - Sonic the Hedgehog PVC-målad staty - Mycket detaljerad bas inspirerad av Sonic Adventures videospelskonststil - F4F Broschyr med 500 F4F belöningspoäng ingår"