Street Fighter 6 Premium Masterline Marisa (Ultimate Ver.) 1/4 Scale Statue

  • 2.930,53 €

Estimated release date: 2026-07
Article Number: 22353

  • Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
  • Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
  • Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
  • The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 70 cm
Character: Marisa
Franchise: Street Fighter 6
Supplier: Prime 1 Studio
Scale: 1:4
Material: Polystone

Due to the size of this item, additional shipping costs may apply. Apart from your location, the actual package size and weight is needed to determine those costs. Both are unknown at this point and may not be available until the product arrives in our warehouse.


As additional characters continue to join the fray, Street Fighter 6 continues to build excitement. From this highly acclaimed title comes Marisa, brought to life in 3D by Prime 1 Studio’s Premium Masterline Series!

Making her debut in Street Fighter 6, Marisa, the Pankratiast, swiftly captured the hearts of players. Now, her bold and daring appeal is fully embodied in this stunning statue. The hair, reminiscent of an ancient Greek helmet, has been carefully crafted to capture the perfect color and flow. Her confident expression is accurately recreated, right down to the glossy lips and the beauty mark near her left eye. The powerful muscles covering her body tell the story of her incredible strength, while the bulging veins and flushed skin add a touch of realism. Her finely detailed costume and accessories reflect her jewelry designer's touch.

The base, featuring a sword and shield plunged into the ground, and flower petals drifting down, is inspired by the Colosseum stage. Pink LEDs and graffiti on the shutter add a street-style flair, drawing you into the world of the game.

The Ultimate Version comes with various head and arm parts, allowing you to recreate Marisa’s signature Goddess of the Hunt move, where she kisses her fist. You can also use the effect wall and head stands to create your own unique display combo.

With the combination of artistry in painting, sculpting, and features, Prime 1 Studio’s Critical Arts will strike right at your heart with their passionate love for Marisa!


När fler karaktärer fortsätter att ge sig in i striden fortsätter Street Fighter 6 att bygga upp spänningen. Från den här mycket hyllade titeln kommer Marisa, som väcks till liv i 3D av Prime 1 Studios Premium Masterline Series!

Marisa, pankratiast, gjorde sin debut i Street Fighter 6 och fångade snabbt spelarnas hjärtan. Nu är hennes djärva och vågade vädjan helt förkroppsligad i denna fantastiska staty. Håret, som påminner om en antik grekisk hjälm, har noggrant utformats för att fånga den perfekta färgen och flödet. Hennes självsäkra uttryck är exakt återskapat, ända ner till de glansiga läpparna och skönhetsmärket nära hennes vänstra öga. De kraftfulla musklerna som täcker hennes kropp berättar historien om hennes otroliga styrka, medan de utbuktande venerna och den rodnande huden ger en touch av realism. Hennes fint detaljerade kostym och accessoarer återspeglar hennes smyckesdesigners touch.

Basen, med ett svärd och en sköld nedsänkt i marken och blomblad som driver ner, är inspirerad av Colosseum-scenen. Rosa lysdioder och graffiti på slutaren ger en streetstyle-känsla och drar in dig i spelets värld.

Den ultimata versionen kommer med olika huvud- och armdelar, vilket gör att du kan återskapa Marisas signatur Goddess of the Hunt-rörelse, där hon kysser sin knytnäve. Du kan också använda effektväggs- och huvudstativen för att skapa din egen unika displaykombination.

Med kombinationen av konstnärskap i målning, skulptering och funktioner kommer Prime 1 Studios Critical Arts att slå rakt på ditt hjärta med sin passionerade kärlek till Marisa!

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