TenSura Prisma Wing Milim Nava
- 564,36 €
Article Number:
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 19 cm
Character: Milim Nava
Franchise: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Product line: Prisma Wing
Prime 1 Studio
Scale: 1:7
Material: PVC, ABS
The new Prime 1 Studio line-up, PRISMA WING, is all about showcasing all your favorite characters from manga, anime, and video games! Without further ado, we are proud to introduce our next PVC figure brought to you by popular demand! From the anime series "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" comes the hot-headed Milm Nava, the one and only existing Dragonoid known as the "Destroyer"! Milim's carefree and cheerful personality is perfectly captured in her charming expression and pose. With her flowing pink pigtails, she comes crashing in on her base of exploding honey, crushing her best friend Rimuru, all of which are sculpted with translucent parts. What's more, she comes with a set of swappable parts! In addition to her signature costume, she also comes with an originally designed "Bear Maid" outfit. The sculpt is based on original artwork illustrated just for PRISMA WING. The bear ears, paw gloves, and fluffy boots are just a few of the adorable touches! Also included are two different expressions that correspond with her alternate outfits: an open-mouth expression and a mischievous grin and wink. Both faces highlight her captivating persona, in conjunction with swappable outfits, giving you the ultimate customization in your display. Please welcome the oldest Demon Lord to your collection as she playfully dives into her favorite honey! *As a special Prime 1 Studio online exclusive bonus, a poster featuring the original illustration will also be included! Size: 19 x 17 x 13 cm
Den nya Prime 1 Studio-serien, PRISMA WING, handlar om att visa upp alla dina favoritkaraktärer från manga, anime och videospel! Utan vidare är vi stolta över att presentera vår nästa PVC-figur som du fått av efterfrågan! Från animeserien "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" kommer den hethåriga Milm Nava, den enda existerande Dragonoiden känd som "Destroyer"! Milims sorglösa och glada personlighet fångas perfekt i hennes charmiga uttryck och pose. Med sina flödande rosa flätor kraschar hon in på sin bas av exploderande honung och krossar sin bästa vän Rimuru, som alla är skulpterade med genomskinliga delar. Dessutom kommer hon med en uppsättning utbytbara delar! Förutom sin signaturdräkt kommer hon också med en originaldesignad "Bear Maid"-outfit. Skulpten är baserad på originalkonstverk illustrerade just för PRISMA WING. Björnöronen, tasshandskarna och fluffiga stövlar är bara några av de bedårande inslagen! Dessutom ingår två olika uttryck som överensstämmer med hennes alternativa outfits: ett uttryck med öppen mun och ett busigt flin och blinkning. Båda ansiktena framhäver hennes fängslande persona, i kombination med utbytbara outfits, vilket ger dig den ultimata anpassningen av din display. Välkommen den äldsta Demon Lord till din samling när hon lekfullt dyker ner i sin favorithonung! *Som en speciell Prime 1 Studio exklusiv online-bonus kommer en affisch med originalillustrationen också att inkluderas! Storlek: 19 x 17 x 13 cm