Tokyo Revengers Prisma Wing Hajime Kokonoi
- 477,20 €
Status: I Lager
Estimated release date: 2025-11
Article Number:
- Arrival dates are estimates and not guaranteed
- Must pay in advance, not when the product arrives
- Different types of goods in the same order = extra shipping
- The full price includes a 20% down payment which is not refunded in case of canceled purchase
- This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
- The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
- The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
- The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
- Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 22 cm
Character: Hajime Kokonoi
Franchise: Tokyo Revengers
Product line: Prisma Wing
Prime 1 Studio
Scale: 1:7
Material: PVC, ABS
Koko, who played a poignant and intense role in the Tenjiku Arc, has been brought to life as a figure based on an exclusive illustration created for PRISMA WING. The figure's prototype was crafted by Sato, a renowned sculptor of male characters. The pose, with Koko provocatively spreading his arms, was meticulously designed starting from the body base.
His lifted outer corners of the eyes, the tongue peeking out from his red lips-every detail of his signature expression has been carefully crafted. The asymmetrical hairstyle, with its heavy-sided volume and three shaved lines, has been faithfully reproduced to match the balance seen in the anime.
Every detail of Koko's Black Dragon uniform and accessories has been meticulously rendered. The silver buttons lined up in perfect order, the shadows accentuating the wrinkles in the fabric, the heavy, aged safe, and the wads of cash spilling from his right hand-all of these elements bring out Koko's character in every detail.
Koko, brought to life in figure form with a meticulously crafted prototype and paint job, is a perfect match for the previously released Inupi (Seishu Inui). Display them together to double the charm! A figure of a brilliant strategist with a single-minded passion-be sure to add him to your collection!
Koko, som spelade en gripande och intensiv roll i Tenjiku Arc, har väckts till liv som en figur baserad på en exklusiv illustration skapad för PRISMA WING. Figurens prototyp skapades av Sato, en känd skulptör av manliga karaktärer. Ställningen, med Koko som provokativt sprider ut armarna, var minutiöst utformad med utgångspunkt från kroppsbasen.
Hans upphöjda yttre ögonvrår, tungan som tittar ut från hans röda läppar - varje detalj i hans signaturuttryck har utformats noggrant. Den asymmetriska frisyren, med sin tunga volym och tre rakade linjer, har troget återgetts för att matcha balansen som ses i animen.
Varje detalj i Kokos Black Dragon-uniform och tillbehör har återgivits minutiöst. De silverfärgade knapparna stod uppradade i perfekt ordning, skuggorna som framhävde rynkorna i tyget, det tunga, åldrade kassaskåpet och buntarna med kontanter som rann ut från hans högra hand - alla dessa element framhäver Kokos karaktär i varje detalj.
Koko, som väcks till liv i figurform med en minutiöst utformad prototyp och lackering, är en perfekt matchning till det tidigare släppta Inupi (Seishu Inui). Visa upp dem tillsammans för att fördubbla charmen! En figur av en briljant strateg med en målmedveten passion - se till att lägga till honom i din samling!