Transformers Bishoujo Cliffjumper Limited Edition

  • 212,12 €
  • 126,33 €

Article Number: 20221

  • This item is brand new, in unopened condition and is officially licensed
  • The photo is of a prototype under development and may differ slightly from the actual product, such as slight color differences and base type
  • The product may have sharp points and small accessories that are not suitable for children
  • The product is made for adult collectors over the age of 15
  • Purchases during special offers cannot be cancelled
Size: 21 cm
Character: Cliffjumper
Franchise: Transformers
Product line: Bishoujo
Supplier: Kotobukiya
Scale: 1:7
Material: PVC, ABS


The TRANSFORMERS series was originally a line of toys that stood out for having familiar objects that could transform into robotic lifeforms, and became widely known through the anime and movies!

In a collaboration between Hasbro, Takara Tomy, and Kotobukiya, this series which has been loved by fans around the world since 1984 will be released as a new line as TRANSFORMERS BISHOUJO!

CLIFFJUMPER comes to life in an unwavering pose, holding her fist up with a challenging grin. Thanks to a new sculpt, the horns on her head are also featured more prominently than on BUMBLEBEE's.
The packaging is also newly designed, making this a must-have limited edition item for fans!

Look forward to more coming to the BISHOUJO series as we celebrate its 15th anniversary!


TRANSFORMERS-serien var ursprungligen en serie leksaker som utmärkte sig för att ha välbekanta föremål som kunde förvandlas till robotlivsformer, och blev allmänt kända genom anime och filmer!

I ett samarbete mellan Hasbro, Takara Tomy och Kotobukiya kommer denna serie, som har älskats av fans runt om i världen sedan 1984, att släppas som en ny serie som TRANSFORMERS BISHOUJO!

CLIFFJUMPER vaknar till liv i en orubblig pose och håller upp näven med ett utmanande flin. Tack vare en ny skulptur är hornen på hennes huvud också mer framträdande än på BUMBLEBEEs.
Förpackningen är också nydesignad, vilket gör detta till ett måste för fans i begränsad upplaga!

Se fram emot att fler kommer till BISHOUJO-serien när vi firar dess 15-årsjubileum!

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